Album Bracket, Round 4: The Now Now vs Humanz

Voting will once again close by 6:30PM CST Tomorrow

Despite taking the lead for a good while, Plastic Beach ultimately lost by only 8 points, a pretty damn close race! Great job to both parties!

By the way, I just want to address why I seeded this bracket the way that I did, since users have been asking me to do so—especially due to DD facing off against PB from the beginning. So, when I made this little series, I was kind of bored and just came up with it on a whim, just trying to have fun with the community—at the same time, I knew that a bracket was by no means a new idea, and I didn’t want the first round to be taken down by mods on account of it being “low effort karma farming” or something like that. Especially cause anyone who’s a regular on this sub will know that every 1 1/2–2 months, the entire subreddit gets filled with tier lists once one sap posts theirs (I’m also guilty of this, admittedly) and that gets annoying. So to compensate, I tried to make the match ups as evenly matched as possible, and that includes setting DD up with PB from the start, that way it shows that I’m not just trying to get validation for those being my favorite albums (as they are to most people) by setting them up in a way where they were both guaranteed to face each other in the finale. This does pretty much means Demon Days is finna body everything else, but it was already gonna do that anyway, so I might as well make the bracket more interesting at the cost of that. Most of you will likely disagree, but that’s the reasoning behind the seeding.

Anyway, this round is the back to back comeback records, The Now Now vs Humanz!


Voting will once again close by 6:30PM CST Tomorrow

Despite taking the lead for a good while, Plastic Beach ultimately lost by only 8 points, a pretty damn close race! Great job to both parties!

By the way, I just want to address why I seeded this bracket the way that I did, since users have been asking me to do so—especially due to DD facing off against PB from the beginning. So, when I made this little series, I was kind of bored and just came up with it on a whim, just trying to have fun with the community—at the same time, I knew that a bracket was by no means a new idea, and I didn’t want the first round to be taken down by mods on account of it being “low effort karma farming” or something like that. Especially cause anyone who’s a regular on this sub will know that every 1 1/2–2 months, the entire subreddit gets filled with tier lists once one sap posts theirs (I’m also guilty of this, admittedly) and that gets annoying. So to compensate, I tried to make the match ups as evenly matched as possible, and that includes setting DD up with PB from the start, that way it shows that I’m not just trying to get validation for those being my favorite albums (as they are to most people) by setting them up in a way where they were both guaranteed to face each other in the finale. This does pretty much means Demon Days is finna body everything else, but it was already gonna do that anyway, so I might as well make the bracket more interesting at the cost of that. Most of you will likely disagree, but that’s the reasoning behind the seeding.

Anyway, this round is the back to back comeback records, The Now Now vs Humanz!
